Saturday, October 20, 2007

I love staying home

Yesterday was a day I was dreading a little bit. I was asked to cover some time ago for a girl at my old job. Dr. Kroes is still a good friend of mine and working at the office was the best job I have ever had... so I said I would help out. 
I was kind of dreading going into work. I have covered before and although having a 2 hour, uninterrupted lunch was a beautiful thing, it was really hard for me to be away from my kids all day. Friday morning came and I eventually wallowed out the door and got on the 405 where I sat in that wonderful CA traffic. 
Work actually went great. I was able to resolve quite a few issues, set the office up on some new, updated software, and save Dr. K a few thousand dollars from an Insurance company who was giving him mis-information. I felt successful and accomplished. I was greatly appreciated; which felt really, really good. I got to chat with lots of old friends and meet a lot of new patients. It should have been the perfect day. But I just wanted to be elsewhere... all 8 hours. And when I pulled up into my driveway, after another glorious 45 minutes on the 405, I  ran in the door where my kids ditched what they were doing and bolted for my arms. That was all the love and appreciation I wanted in the world.
I am so thankful that I am able to stay home with my kids. I love being a Mom and Homemaker. I would rather have a long, hard day with my kids at home then the best possible day at an office.

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